Major leaps.
No bounds.
Leading faculty and staff are using 3D Printing technology to power advancements across every field.
Any breakthrough has the power to change the world.
Creates Excitement
3D printing offers students the ability to experience their projects from the model stage to actual creation of the model. This creates both excitement and a better understanding of the design process as they gain hands-on experience it from conception to creation. The individual features are seen more clearly as the student builds the project layer by layer. Excitement also stems from the ability to explore details in reality, not just on a screen or in a textbook. 3D printing also brings the world of theory to the physical world where students can see and touch, opening up new possibilities for learning and activities.
Complements the Curriculum
No matter what curriculum is being used, 3D printing can help students and teachers work better. 3D printing elevates students from being passive consumers of information on a screen with no thought given to productivity. Unlike conventional classrooms where students are easily bored, they become active and engaged participants through the conception, design, and execution of their projects and interacting with the 3D printer and the teacher.
Gives Access to Knowledge Previously Unavailable
Because most 3D printers are pre-assembled and plug and play, it is a fun cutting-edge technology for students to learn. Students learn that it is perfectly acceptable to fail on the first try and then try again in order to improve. As students begin to understand that failure is part of the process, they become less afraid to attempt and execute new and different ideas in life. This builds students’ confidence and teachers enjoy the results of having self-motivated, self-confident students.
Opens New Possibilities for Learning
An affordable 3D printer opens up unlimited learning opportunities for students. 3D printing provides students with opportunities to experiment with ideas, expanding and growing their creativity. It is not easy to have young students figure things out without the benefit of visualization. A visual learning environment improves their understanding of the world, being able to touch and see their projects. 3D printers open up new opportunities for presenting information to young students in an economical and efficient manner.
Labs and Deployments
Smooth sailing. Easy scaling.
Setting up your institution with RF Solutions' system should be as simple and intuitive as the tools themselves. We have resources to help your innovation lab like 3D Printing labs or Maker's Space administer devices, manage configurations, and secure data. And with flexible deployment models, Labs can get faculty, staff, and students up and running faster than ever.
Promotes problem-solving skills
The 3D printer provides a variety of learning experiences for students. They need to learn how different 3D printers work and how to operate them, and how to troubleshoot and solve problems. This is an art in which many students do not get to engage during the course of their normal studies. By learning how to troubleshoot and solve 3D printer problems, students learn to practice persistence and endurance in overcoming difficulties. This can translate to helping students solve their own problems in life as well.
Campus Experience
Take higher education to new heights.
See how leaders are creating amazing campus experiences with RF Solutions Enterprise's 3D printing solutions
Taylors' University
Apple Student ID. The one‑tap wonder.
See how leaders are creating amazing campus experiences with RF Solutions Enterprise's 3D printing solutions